Role Out the Ads! The Secret Behind Iconic Ad Slogans
Oct 21, 2023Just Do It. Because You’re Worth It. Like a Good Neighbor…. Okay, you get it right? Famous FAMOUS ad slogans. What does that have to do with the Seven Roles? Actually, everything.
The world of advertising has always been a fascinating realm where words wield power. With just a few words, brands manage to evoke feelings, inspire action, and ultimately, influence your behavior.
Roles do the same thing. They evoke feelings, inspire action and ultimately, influence behavior.
What if ads lean into certain roles to evoke just those feelings in you? Do ads work because they appeal to certain role preferences? Or do they work because they appeal to the roles we don’t play well?
Let’s look at 7 famous ad slogans and you can decide for yourself.
- Apple - "Think Different"
- BMW - "The Ultimate Driving Machine"
- Visa - "Everywhere You Want to Be"
- Nike - "Just Do It"
- State Farm - "Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There"
- L'Oréal - "Because You're Worth It"
- Geico - "15 Minutes Could Save You 15% or More on Car Insurance"
Now the BIG question, compare your favorites with your own roleset. Are you drawn to slogans that match your top roles?? Are you drawn to slogans because they represent the roles you wished you played better?
I specifically chose these seven ad slogans because together they represent each of the Seven Roles. Here are my Conceptualizer thoughts on why each slogan represents a role focus.
Apple - "Think Different"
Role: Prophet
Explanation: This slogan appeals to those who challenge traditional thought patterns and embrace innovative approaches. Like the Prophet Role, "Think Different" encourages a break from convention and celebrates creative out of the box thinking.
BMW - "The Ultimate Driving Machine"
Role: Luminary
Explanation: BMW's slogan positions its cars as the epitome of driving excellence, inspiring admiration and aspiration. It mirrors the Luminary Role, which is about sparking enthusiasm and leading by engagement, exclusivity & example. It also has a bit of that FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) feeling that the Luminary Role understands completely!
Visa - "Everywhere You Want to Be"
Role: Organizer
Explanation: Visa’s message is about facilitating seamless experiences and being ubiquitously reliable. Organizers streamline processes and ensure things work in harmony, much like how Visa positions itself as an essential, omnipresent and expanding tool for transactions.
Nike - "Just Do It"
Role: Implementor
Explanation: This slogan is all about action. It encourages the audience to take the leap, make the move, and essentially, implement their plans. The Implementor Role is characterized by decisive action, which is perfectly mirrored in Nike’s call to "Just Do It."
State Farm - "Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There"
Role: Team Builder
Explanation: Team Builders focus on nurturing and supporting relationships, and State Farm's slogan emphasizes reliability, trust, and a communal bond. This message underscores the insurer's promise to always support its customers, to be there for them, like a Team Builder.
L'Oréal - "Because You're Worth It"
Role: Investor
Explanation: This slogan emphasizes personal value and self-worth, assuring consumers that they deserve the best. It aligns with the Investor Role which focuses on affirming, acknowledging, and validating individual worth. It also invokes the feeling of L’Oreal products being worth more, directing you to a more valuable decision. Like the Investor Role.
Geico - "15 Minutes Could Save You 15% or More on Car Insurance"
Role: Conceptualizer
Explanation: Geico’s slogan emphasizes a logical proposition based on data, encouraging potential customers to weigh the facts and make informed decisions. It resonates with the Conceptualizer’s methodical approach to understanding and analyzing options. It also encourages you not to just trust your gut but instead seek out new information which will offer you the data you need for the best possible decision. Totally Conceptualizer Role thinking.
Fascinating, isn't it? The power of a few words, matched with the right role, can stir emotions, guide decisions, and define brands in our minds. As consumers, we might not consciously recognize these associations, but they undeniably influence our choices and preferences.
Discover. Develop. Rock Your Roles.
It's not just about buying a product; it's about recognizing a part of ourselves in these brands.
Now, it's over to you!
Challenge: Next time you come across a new advertisement, try to determine the role it targets. Is it beckoning your Luminary side, or perhaps, speaking to your inner Prophet? Have fun with it!
Keep rocking the roles,
Dr Nancy
PS. Do you wonder if you can use the roles to influence others? We will explore that next!
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